Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Kayaking on Mercer Slough

Langus and Mercer Slough 004, originally uploaded by msteechur.

We rented a big tandem kayak off Enatai Beach today and headed from Lake Washington into Mercer Slough. It was beautiful, but the stupid kayak did NOT track well at all.

Wagon wheel in the rushes

Langus and Mercer Slough 005, originally uploaded by msteechur.

The area around Ebey Slough has been turned to swampland. Apparently someone left a few wagons behind and all that is left at the metal wheels.

Langus Riverfront Park

Langus and Mercer Slough 001, originally uploaded by msteechur.

This is the bridge out to Spencer Island. We biked from home to the park and stopped to check out nature.

Smiles 4 U

Smiles 4 U, originally uploaded by msteechur.

Saturday, August 4, 2007


img037.jpg, originally uploaded by msteechur.


Pig..., originally uploaded by msteechur.

Pike Place Market

Pike Place Market, originally uploaded by msteechur.

We were watching the Blue Angels

Seattle Waterfront

Seattle Waterfront, originally uploaded by msteechur.

Hanging out in downtown Seattle

Hanging out in downtown Seattle, originally uploaded by msteechur.

Friday, August 3, 2007

You can never have enough cat figurines