Tired after a LONG day!
Friday, July 27, 2007
Gourmet lunch
Tom and Connor made us this great lunch of pitas, fresh vegetables, hummus, and fresh fruit.
The Lime kiln
The kiln is in the middle on the hill, and the white area that looks over exposed is lime.
Roy listening to Tom
Tom (in the middle) is telling how you can tell which Pod is which, and how he knows which orcas are male and female.
Looking out from the bluff
We climbed up here to watch a pod of whales swim by. They were too far out to get a good pic, but we saw them!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
BBQing in the backyard
Today was our 22nd Anniversary. For our day we ate breakfast out on our back porch under the gazebo. Later on we walked in the POURING rain to go to lunch. The rain let up long enough for us to bbq steaks and corn on the fire in the backyard (I love our firepit)..and then we went to see Big Bad Voodoo Daddy at the Tulalip Amphitheater! It was an awesome day (although I was still dealing with the aftermath of pancreatitis).
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Hiking Cougar Mt 018
I went out for a trail run with Laura and then, after we let the thunderstorm pass, Roy and I went out for five more miles of hiking.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Mmmmmm hot dogs
The Denny Way Seattle 7-11 has been turned into a Kwik E Mart. Roy took pics after the half marathon Sunday.